Academic Assistance and Enrichment Activities
Academic Assistance and Enrichment Activities
The Village Extended School Program offers a variety of activities intentionally designed to provide students with opportunities for growth in two areas: Educational Literacy and Educational Enrichment. Literacy activities help students meet state standards in one or more of the core academic subjects. The Village Program provides a broad range of Literacy activities based on student needs and interests. Enrichment activities are experiences that reinforce and complement the school's academic program and may include but are not limited to positive youth development strategies, recreation, visual and performing arts, community service-learning, older youth development, and physical activity. Examples of Enrichment Programming;
Stem/Hands-On Science Lessons
The Village program provides age/grade-appropriate STEM/Hands-on Science lessons for students at every grade level. Village Students participate in the "Design It Build It" Curriculum, which has been used to have students work collaboratively to design and build rubber band-powered cars, catapults, and marble roller coasters.
Stem/Hands-On Science Lessons
The Village program provides age/grade-appropriate STEM/Hands-on Science lessons for students at every grade level. Village Students participate in the "Design It Build It" Curriculum, which has been used to have students work collaboratively to design and build rubber band-powered cars, catapults, and marble roller coasters.
Social Emotional Learning and Character Education
All Village sites have weekly character education lessons and thematic activities centered on the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Students at each site are recognized based on the pillar of character being taught.
Homework Assistance
Homework Assistance is facilitated by our Activity Leaders, who work with students to complete their homework. During homework time, the activity leaders work with groups of no more than 20 students, and they are trained to help facilitate student learning and academic achievement.
Nutrition enrichment is offered to provide age-appropriate lessons that engage students in nutrition education, investigation, and experimentation. Activity Leaders are provided with user-friendly lesson plans and regular training, which enable them to engage more effectively in nutrition education. The activities are meant to encourage discussion, help students connect their lives through real-world inquiries, and challenge them to reach higher levels of thinking.
SPARK Physical Education
Physical activity may not sound like an academic activity, but we consider it a vital part of educating the whole child at the Village. Village employs the SPARK (Sports, Play & Active Recreation For Kids!) P.E. SPARK focuses on developing motor skills, movement, knowledge, and social and personal skills. We hope physically educated children and adolescents become lifelong movers and model the behaviors necessary for a healthy lifestyle. This curriculum offers the Village Extended School Program the perfect opportunity to introduce children to healthy behaviors that are so important to their health and well-being.