Board of Education » Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Schedule

Public Participation at Regular Board of Education Meetings

The Monrovia Board of Education welcomes residents, faculty members, students, and all other interested persons to its meetings. Your presence indicates your concern for our schools and the children of this district.
It is the goal of the Board of Education, for the district and community to work together to provide a quality educational program for our students. Community involvement at Board meetings is encouraged so the Board can better understand and represent the views of its constituents. If you are interested in submitting a public comment during a Board meeting, please review the guidelines for "Addressing the Board of Education" below.

If you would like to watch or listen to the meeting from home:
1) Cable T.V. Broadcast on KGEM (Spectrum Channel 99 or Giggle Fiber Channel 87-2)
2) Livestream online at
3) Via MUSD School Board Meetings YouTube at