Village Extended School Programs » Registration Information

Registration Information

2024-25 Village Registration Information
We are pleased to announce registration is beginning for the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) offered through Village and the Boys and Girls Club. The ELO-P grant helps create additional programming and resources for the 2024-25 school year. Families wishing to enroll in the Village before and after school programs will use the link below to get to the registration page. 

Families wanting to enroll in the Boys and Girls Club before and after school programs should contact the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills. Their contact information is as follows: 
ELO-P Program Reminders 

Priority Access 
The state of California has identified priorities for program space based on the following:
  • Homeless/Foster Youth 
  • Free/Reduced Priced Meal students 
  • English Learners

All MUSD families are eligible to register for the ELO-P program. MUSD sent priority registration invitations to the district-identified unduplicated students on June 12th. Open registration for all families will open on June 14th, and families will be enrolled on a first-come-first-serve basis using the above priorities as needed. 

ELO-P Program Attendance
Students enrolling in ELO-P through Village or the Boys and Girls Club are expected to attend the program every day the student is in school. The newly revised Early Release policy gives families flexibility regarding the time spent in the program. Students are not mandated to stay a minimum amount of time in the program. 

If you have questions, please contact the Village Program Office at 626-471-3083.