Educational Services » English Language Learners

English Language Learners

English Language Learners

We are proud that our English Learner program has enabled our students to meet state proficiency goals in the three required areas:
1.  Year-to-year progress on the ELPAC (One year of growth for each year enrolled in California schools)
2.  Number of students reaching Early Advanced or Advanced levels on the ELPAC
3.  Number of ELD students (including certain students reclassified as proficient in English) proficiency on SBAC
Even though these requirements have been met, we continually strive to improve our programs.  Our District plan for English Learners, including information on program placement, can be found at this link:
[Updated EL Master Plan coming soon]
In November, 2012, The State Board of Education approved new English Language Development (ELD) Standards and Proficiency Level Descriptors.  For an overview of these ELD standards and descriptors, click the link below:
Contact Information:
Valerie Shay
EL Instructional Coach
Educational Services
Maria Lomelin
Dual Language Immersion Instructional Coach
Educational Services