District Strategic Planning
» MUSD Learner Outcomes and Competencies
MUSD Learner Outcomes and Competencies
Creative & Analytical
- Can define goals and problems and use relevant resources and information to evaluate proposed solutions and/or create and test new ones
- Recognize biases within themselves and others when evaluating information and solutions
- Are curious learners for life
- Are flexible, critical, and creative thinkers who are able to explain their reasoning
- Understand and analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other in complex systems
- Demonstrate mastery of core knowledge, skills, and dispositions
Resilient & Adaptable
- Have the tools to persist through challenges and believe in their ability to grow
- Persevere through difficult tasks to overcome academic and personal challenges
- Employ strategies to maintain personal wellness, focus, fun, and intention in their lives
- Pursue interests and develop strengths with pride, confidence, and healthy self-esteem
- Adapt to a rapidly-changing world
Responsible & Globally Minded
- Are engaged and mindful of their actions and how those actions impact themselves and others in their personal, local, and global communities
- Act with integrity and respect both in person and in virtual environments
- Work purposefully toward goals and objectives using good judgment in regard to their time, influence, and resources
- Are curious about the world and aware of current events
- Have the fundamental understanding, skills, and interest to responsibly engage with their personal, local, and/or global communities
- Are able to work with others purposefully and respectfully to reach a common goal
- Communicate their ideas, opinions, and reasoning clearly and effectively while respecting the ideas and opinions of others
- Seek out thinking and perspectives different from their own
- Welcome constructive feedback and an exchange of ideas
- Share responsibility and are able to build consensus
- Treat others with respect and kindness seeking to understand the diverse beliefs, perspectives and feelings of all people
- Listen with an open mind with an intent to learn and understand
- Foster a safe space for others to be their unique selves
- Form positive relationships with others who have different life experiences
- Advocate for others who may not feel included, valued, or represented