District Strategic Planning » Focus Areas

Focus Areas

College, Career, and Life Prepared Graduates

Goal 1: All graduates possess the knowledge, skills, and certifications necessary for success in the college and career of their choice.

  • Close gaps in graduation rates between student groups
  • Increase the percentage of students eligible to attend a four-year college or university
  • Raise achievement levels for all students in core subject areas and close performance gaps between student groups
  • Increase the college enrollment rate after graduation for all students and student groups
  • Increase the number of graduates completing college coursework or its equivalent
  • Increase the number of graduates earning at least one career-technical certification
  • Collect feedback on annual survey for students perception on personal wellness
  • Students receive classroom social, emotional, learning lessons across all grade spans

Goal 2: All graduates have a strong sense of what career they would like to pursue based on their interests, curiosities, and passions and possess a personalized post-secondary plan for meeting their goals.

  • Embed career exploration activities throughout each grade span
  • Increase the number of graduates completing work-based-learning opportunities
  • Expand upon existing CTE offerings at our high school and introduce new ones at our elementary and middle schools
  • Implement at least two ongoing professional development opportunities for staff to ensure they have the latest knowledge and tools to support student career interests and the world of work
  • School counselors systematically support students in the development and refinement of a post-secondary plan
  • Student-led conferences will be leveraged to ensure students can know, understand, and be agents of their learning
  • Capture feedback during annual senior exit survey on levels of post-graduate preparedness

Exemplary Educators

Goal 1: All teachers and staff hold high expectations for the achievement, personal growth, and wellbeing of every student and work collaboratively, regardless of role, to ensure students reach their highest potential.

  • Increase the percentage of students indicating that adults at their school maintain high expectations of them
  • Reform grading practices to ensure they accurately reflect mastery and competence, are fair, and support the learning process
  • Ongoing staff development, specific to the MUSD learning model, but personalized to individual educators and teams
  • Utilize online survey to capture teacher interest on professional development needs
  • Capture teacher feedback following professional development to measure satisfaction
  • Sharing of best instructional practices during PLC’s and collaborations
  • The district’s hiring process identifies candidates who believe in our mission and vision and embody our core values

Goal 2: All teachers and staff work collaboratively to provide students with personalized, engaging, and rigorous learning experiences and opportunities that fully prepare them for success in college, career, and life.

  • Build the instructional capacity of staff to ensure that the MUSD learning model is leveraged across all sites
  • Teachers use objective student achievement data to target students for intervention
  • Intervention and acceleration strategies utilized based on individual student need
  • Implement MTSS to support both the academic and social-emotional needs of students to improve attendance, decrease discipline and improve student engagement
  • Implement Project Based Learning activities throughout each grade span with yearly exhibitions of student learning
  • Newly hired teachers and staff are systematically on-boarded with an orientation to the MUSD learning model
  • Teachers and staff receive ongoing professional development on best practices for the use of instructional technology

Supportive, Inclusive, and Student-Centered School Cultures

Goal 1: All students are supported with the necessary resources to ensure they reach their highest potential.

  • Fully align all school and district plans with the Strategic Plan
  • Leverage existing funding sources to the fullest in support of the Strategic Plan while remaining fiscally solvent

Goal 2: All students belong to a school community that is built upon positive, supportive, and caring relationships where their curiosity and passions are fostered in clean, well-maintained, and modern learning environments.

  • Students report higher levels of “connectedness” with their school communities
  • Secondary students have “advisory” time to support their academic progress, social-emotional development, and connection with the school community
  • Career exploration activities that support the development of student’s personal plan as measured by post-secondary plans
  • Review and modify instructional time as needed to support student learning
  • Classroom furniture allows for increased student collaboration for the refinement of 21st century learning skills
  • Ongoing professional development and in-classroom support with instructional technology integration
  • Provide annual professional development offerings in restorative practices
  • Leverage available funding sources to improve classrooms and other learning spaces
  • Increased opportunities for students to be connected to school via extracurricular and enrichment activities

Engaged Parents, Families, and Community

Goal 1: Establish, expand, and maintain partnerships with community-based organizations, colleges and universities, businesses and industries, and our alumni.

  • Increase membership in supportive parent organizations like PTA
  • Create a Monrovia Career Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Board to meet annually to provide feedback on the program offerings
  • Maintain a database that highlights community partnerships, alumni and volunteer opportunities in specific areas
  • Cultivate community partnerships to provide or increase opportunities for the mentorship of students
  • Increase number of internships and workbased learning opportunities for students
  • Provide annual resource fair to engage the community
  • Facilitate annual District showcase event
  • Expand marketing efforts to highlight schools, programs and services

Goal 2: Increase opportunities for parents to participate in meaningful high impact activities that support teaching and learning and maintain meaningful, regular, and open two-way communication with all stakeholders.

  • Formal exhibitions of learning as culminating events at the end of elementary, middle, and high school.
  • Informal exhibitions/celebrations of learning during Open Houses in the spring for all other grades
  • Build and nurture relationships with families and collect feedback on parent engagement with connection to school throughout all grade spans
  • Facilitate annual parent education courses across all school sites.