MUSD Teacher is Semifinalist for LA County Teachers of the Year

MUSD Teacher of the Year Maria Lomelin has been selected as a semifinalist for the LA County Teachers of the Year!

Ms. Lomelin will join 27 other semifinalists in a virtual interview with a Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) judging panel.

The competition is the largest in the state and is part of the oldest and most prestigious honors contest in the U.S. for public school teachers.
The TOY program features an annual luncheon each September for all participants and is designed to provide much-deserved recognition for teachers.

Those selected by LACOE as County Teachers of the Year—educators who have shown exemplary dedication, effective classroom practices, positive accomplishments and professional commitment—serve as standard-bearers for the teaching profession and their 72,000 classroom colleagues countywide.
For more information on the competition, please visit the LACOE website.