Monrovia Unified School District Newsletter Vol. 4

In this issue, we highlight the MUSD "Classified Employee of the Year," MUSD "Teacher of the Year," "Soaring Eagle Award" winners, and "Magnificent Monrovians," honored by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA). The individuals highlighted in this issue are representative of a team of professionals committed to improving the educational experience of our students.
MUSD Classified Employee of the Year

Therese Brunn Mrs. Theresa Brunn was selected as the 2020 Monrovia Unified School District "Classified Employee of the Year." Theresa currently serves as the Personnel Technician in the Human Resources Department. She has been with the District since 2006, first serving as a Clerical Assistant II in the Superintendent’s office, and next as a Senior Account Clerk in Payroll from 2012-2015.

Theresa joined the Human Resources department in 2015, and her knowledge of MUSD processes has allowed her to be successful in her current duties. Theresa is a reliable, honest, and efficient team member, whose attention to detail is appreciated by all employees. Her integrity, dedication, and autonomous nature have earned her the respect of her peers and colleagues.

“Theresa is meticulous, knowledgeable, articulate, and caring,” Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. Darvin Jackson said. “These are essential qualities that make her a contributing member to the HR Department and the District."

Theresa's dedication to MUSD employees goes above and beyond. It is common to witness Theresa calling employees late in the evening to answer their questions about new employee processing, payroll, or even leaves. Theresa, without a doubt, is a consummate professional and a great asset.

On behalf of the entire Monrovia USD community, we congratulate you!
MUSD Teacher of the Year

Danny RayMr. Danny Ray was selected as the 2020 Monrovia Unified School District "Teacher of the Year." Mr. Ray teaches Social Science, Renaissance leadership, and P.E. at Clifton Middle School. This year marks Danny’s 10th year at Clifton, but this decade only represents half of his career in education as a teacher. Ten years ago, the administrators at Clifton Middle School made a spectacular decision in hiring him!

Mr. Ray comes to work every day with the goal of connecting with his students. He builds his classrooms on the underlying foundation of high structure coupled with strong relationships. This equation creates happy, creative, and inspired students who work hard to learn, grow, and expand their thinking. He is always at work with pep and positivity, because he sincerely believes every interaction has a purpose. He deeply understands the complexity of adolescent behavior and is masterful at “holding the line” while “spreading the love.”

“When I think of Danny Ray, I think of a Jedi,” Principal Jennifer Jackson said. “A Jedi is defined as a keeper of peace and justice who exemplifies sacrifice and compassion, but who can regulate and hold accountable when no other options are available. This is Danny Ray day in and day out at Clifton!”

Danny has made a decade of imprints on the lives of Clifton students, staff, and parents. On behalf of the entire Monrovia USD community, we congratulate you!
 Soaring Eagles

The "Soaring Eagle Award" was created by the Renaissance program to recognize one classified and one certificated member of each sites' staffulty for their commitment to their school, the students, the families, and the entire community. Each principal is charged with polling their staffulty to select the recipients each year. Through a partnership with Schools First Credit Union, these awards have been presented at the beginning of each school year for the past six years.
soaring eagles
Magnificent Monrovians

This year the Monrovia Chapter of the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), is choosing to celebrate the amazing Administrative Assistants of Monrovia Unified in a special way. Every few weeks the local chapter board meets with one of the school administrators to celebrate a “Magnificent Monrovian.” We spend a few minutes talking about why this person is so important to the students, families, teachers, and administrators of the school site, and then we surprise them with flowers and balloons as a sign of our appreciation. Each year, ACSA tries to celebrate and honor those who go above and beyond for students, and in Monrovia, our Office Managers and other Administrative Assistants constantly go above and beyond for our students and staff. Thank you to the ACSA Monrovia chapter for implementing this amazing cause and thank you to our “Magnificent Monrovians” who continue to do great things for our students.

Below are the "Magnificent Monrovians" we have celebrated so far:
   Fred and Diane Bowden Weight Room
Monrovia is fortunate to have a community supporting its schools. Last month, the Monrovia Unified School District Board of Education dedicated the Weight Room at Monrovia High School to Fred and Diane Bowden, Class of 1959 and 1961, respectively. Mr. & Mrs. Bowden always looked for ways to give back to the District and, with Fred’s passing, Diane and the Bowden family made a commitment to continue that support.
“Monrovia High School is very fortunate that so many alumni feel so close to their Wildcat campus. Our district is very fortunate that Diane and Fred Bowden have always been willing to support their Alma Mater,” Board President Rob Hammond said. “Over the years, the Bowden family has been extremely generous to our community. Thank you to Diane and Fred for Living the Wildcat Way.”
weight room
Grateful: Monrovia Fire and Police Department

bryan 1Monrovia Unified School District has always enjoyed a close relationship with the Monrovia Fire Department and Monrovia Police Department. Our school community knows we can depend on our first responders to quickly address and resolve any problems that arise.

This year, our first responders have faced unprecedented challenges as they championed the safety of our Monrovia community. The Monrovia Fire Department and Monrovia Police Department put themselves at risk, day-in, and day-out, to help others. 
bryan 2
They are courageous and brave and set a great example for the children of Monrovia.

As a sign of gratitude, our students created thank-you cards for our first responders, which were distributed in October by Board Vice-President Bryan Wong. On behalf of all of us here at MUSD, we thank our local heroes and wish for their continued safety.
 Care Solace
While the holidays are a time for joy, I realize that they also may be a challenging time. Whether the strain involves finances or absent loved ones, help is available.

Monrovia Unified has partnered with Care Solace, a Drug and Mental Health resources support network, to provide assistance to our students and families.

Care Solace is an online resource with a live 24/7 concierge line to assist individuals in finding local mental health-related programs and counseling services. To use Care Solace, individuals answer 10 basic questions to receive referrals to care providers. Services are offered in multiple languages.

The program accepts all types of insurance, including Medi-Cal, and Medicare, and serves those without insurance. The system filters by age, gender, ZIP code, and special request. This service does not require a name, address, phone number, or date of birth. Information entered into the platform is confidential and stored securely.

Care Solace can be reached at (888) 515-0595. Help is also available at
During this time of giving thanks, we want to thank you for being part of the Monrovia Unified School District. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Dr. Katherine Thorossian 