3000 SERIES – Business
3000 SERIES – Business
- 3100_BP_Budget Approved 08.09.2023
- 3100_AR_Budget Approved 08.09.2023
- 3110_AR_Transfer_of_Funds (11-51)
- 3111_BP_Deferred_Maintenance_Funds (11-51)
- 3230 BP Federal Grant Funds
- 3230 AR Federal Grant Funds
- 3260 BP Fees and Charges (11-51)
- 3260_AR_Fees_and_Charges (11-51)
- 3270_BP_Sale_and_Disposal_of_Books,_Equipment_and_Supplies (11-51)
- 3270_AR_Sale_and_Disposal_of_Books,_Equipment_and_Supplies (11-51)
- 3280_BP_Sale,_Lease,_Rental_of_Dist_Owned_Real_Property (11-51)
- 3280_AR_Sale_Lease_Rental_of_District_Owned_Real_Property (11-51)
- 3290_BP_Gifts,_Grants_and_Bequests (11-51)
- 3290_AR_Gifts,_Grants_and_Bequests (11-51)
- 3290(a)_AR_Acceptance_of_Gift (11-51)
- 3290(c) AR Acceptance of Gift Sponsorship of Field Trip Board Agenda Form (11-51)
- 3290(d)_AR_Acceptance_of_Gifts_-_Field_Trip (11-51)
- 3300_BP_Expenditures_and_Purchases (11-51)
- 3305 BP Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (11-51)
- 3310_AR_Purchases (11-51)
- 3310(a)_AR_Field_Contract_for_Services_Under_$15,000 (11-51)
- 3311 AR - Bids - Adopted 082218
- 3311 BP - Bids Adopted 082218
- 3312_BP_Contracts (11-51)
- 3312.2_BP_Educational_Travel_Program_Contracts (11-51)
- 3312.2_AR_Educational_Travel_Program_Contracts (11-51)
- 3314_BP_Payment_for_Goods_and_Services (11-51)
- 3314_AR_Payment_for_Goods_and_Services (11-51)
- 3314.2__BP_Revolving_Funds (11-51)
- 3320_BP_Claims_and_Actions_Against_the_District (11-51)
- 3320_AR_Claims_and_Actions_Against_the_District (11-51)
- 3320(a)_AR_Claim_for_Damages_Form (11-51)
- 3320(b)_AR_Notice_of_Denial_of_Claim (11-51)
- 3350 BP Travel Expenses
- 3350 AR Travel Expense (11-51)
- 3350(a) AR Travel-Conf Form (11-51)
- 3350.1 AR Travel and Inservice Credit Card Use (11-51)
- 3350.2 BP Travel Expense - Mileage (11-51)
- 3350.2 AR Travel Expense - Mileage (11-51)
- 3400_BP_Management_of_District_Assets-Accounts (11-51)
- 3400_AR_Management_of_District_Assets-Accounts (11-51)
- 3430_BP_Investing (11-51)
- 3440_AR_Inventories (11-51)
- 3451_AR_Petty_Cash_Funds (11-51)
- 3452_BP_Student_Activity_Funds (11-51)
- 3460_BP_Financial_Reports_and_Accountability (11-51)
- 3460_AR_Financial_Reports_and_Accountability (11-51)
- 3511_BP_Energy_and_Water_Conservation (11-51)
- 3511_AR_Energy_Conservation (11-51)
- 3511.1_BP_Integrated_Waste_Management (11-51)
- 3511.1_AR_Integrated_Waste_Management (11-51)
- 3512_AR_Equipment (11-51)
- 3512(a)_AR_Technology_Equipment_and_Software_Agreement (11-51)
- 3513.3 BP Tobacco-Free Schools
- 3513.3 AR Tobacco-Free Schools
- 3514_BP_Environmental_Safety (11-51)
- 3514_AR_Environmental_Safety (11-51)
- 3514.1_BP_Hazardous_Substances (11-51)
- 3514.1_AR_Hazardous_Substances (11-51)
- 3514.2_AR_Integrated_Pest_Management (11-51)
- 3515 BP Campus Security
- 3515 AR Campus Security
- 3515.1 AR District Key Policy incl. Appendix A,B,C
- 3515.2_BP_Disruptions (11-51)
- 3515.2_AR_Disruptions (11-51)
- 3515.4_BP_Recovery_for_Property_Loss_or_Damage (11-51)
- 3515.4_AR_Recovery_for_Property_Loss_or_Damage (11-51)
- 3515.5_BP_Sex_Offender_Notification (11-51)
- 3515.5_AR_Sex_Offender_Notification (11-51)
- 3515.6_AR_Criminal_Background_Check_for_Contractors (11-51)
- 3516 AR - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan
- 3516 BP - Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Plan
- 3516.1_AR_Fire_Drills_and_Fires (11-51)
- 3516.2_AR_Bomb_Threats (11-51)
- 3516.3_AR_Earthquake_Emergency_Procedure_System (11-51)
- 3516.5_BP_Emergency_Schedules (11-51)
- 3517_BP_Facilities_Inspection (11-51)
- 3530_BP_Risk_Management_-_Insurance (11-51)
- 3530_AR_Risk_Management_-_Insurance (11-51)
- 3540 BP Transportation 6.12.24
- 3540 AR Transportation 6.12.24
- 3541 AR Transportation Routes And Services 6.26.24
- 3541.1 AR Transportation for School-Related Trips 6.12.24
- 3541.1-a AR Authorized Drivers 6.12.24
- 3541.2 BP Transportation For Students With Disabilities 6.12.24
- 3541.2 AR Transportation for Students with Disabilities 6.12.24
- 3542 AR School Bus Drivers 6.12.24
- 3543 AR Transportation Safety and Emergencies 6.12.24
- 3550_BP_Food_Service-Child_Nutrition_Program (11-51)
- 3550_AR Food Service-Child_Nutrition_Program (11-51)
- 3553_BP_Food_Service_Operations_-_Free_and_Reduced_Price_Meals (11-51)
- 3553_AR_Food_Service_Operations_-_Free_and_Reduced_Price_Meals (11-51)
- 3554_BP_Other_Food_Sales (11-51)
- 3554_AR_Other_Food_Sales (11-51)
- 3555 BP Nutrition Program Compliance
- 3580_BP_District_Records (11-51)
- 3580_AR_District_Records (11-51)
- 3580.1_AR_Email_Retention_Regulation
- 3600 BP Consultants (11-51)
- 3600_AR_Consultants_Agreement (11-51)