Monrovia Unified Encourages Learning, Safety During Solar Eclipse


Monrovia residents will be able to view a partial eclipse, where more than 60 percent of the sun will be blocked by the moon. Starting at 9:05 a.m., the moon will touch the sun’s edge. At 10:21 a.m., the sun will reach its maximum eclipse, which is the best time for viewing, and the partial eclipse will end at 11:44 a.m.
Since California is not along the line of total eclipse, looking at the sun without proper protection is dangerous to one’s eyes. Safety precautions should be taken to view the event:

  • Looking directly at the sun will damage your eyes. Regular sunglasses will not provide enough protection.
  • Cover your eyes completely with your eclipse glasses or solar viewer before looking at the eclipse. After looking at the sun, turn away and remove the filter – do not remove it while looking at the sun.
  • Always inspect your solar filter before use; if scratched or damaged, do not use it.
  • Be sure to supervise all children using solar filters.
  • Do not look at the sun through a camera, telescope, binoculars or any other optical device while wearing eclipse glasses or using a hand-held solar viewer – the concentrated solar rays will damage the filter and can cause serious damage to your eyes.
  • We encourage you to speak to your child about the eclipse and the dangers of looking directly at the sun and the potential damage it can do to their eyes.
Viewing the eclipse can be a fun and interesting way to introduce students to the wonders of astronomy and encourage them to pursue a career in the sciences. The eclipse will give students a first-hand view of how planetary orbits work and provide insight in our sun’s atmospheric layers. Throughout the district, teachers have activities related to this historic event.
  • All teachers will be presenting lessons before the event to explain this singular occurrence. They will also emphasize the importance of protecting eyes by not looking directly at the sun.
  • Students will be allowed outside for recess and lunch, with additional support staff supervising to remind them not to look directly at the sun. 
  • Students will be allowed to wear solar glasses that they bring from home, if accompanied by a note from parent/guardian affirming that the glasses meet safety requirements. As solar glasses are meant to be worn with close adult supervision, they will only be allowed to do so during structured class time. 
  • We will have indoor spaces available for students. If you would prefer that your child stay indoors for recess and lunch, please inform school personnel.
Listed below are additional resources for the safe viewing of the Aug. 21st solar eclipse.

The next solar eclipse that can be seen in the continental U.S. will occur on Oct. 14, 2023 and will be visible from Northern California to Florida.